So we started off the week with red high-top converse and a coon skin hat to go with Baby's favorite (my favorite) guitar t-shirt and new gray jeans from Target. We played, we laughed, we bounced, he drooled. Baby is trying so hard to crawl but can't quite figure it out just yet. He gets into crawl position and somehow ends up going backwards. Men.

Baby likes to chew on things. He tried to sneak a taste of his new cousin's headband and luckily i caught a photo of it. Baby secrets.

Nothing new really going on this week. The Baby is getting heavier and heavier and i'm almost certain i'll have to visit the chiropractor again soon. There's a shooting pain from my neck to the middle of my back. Not good. The Husband and i are going to the OU game on Saturday in Dallas. Looking forward to getting away for a day.
♥ jag paw ♥
Awwww so cute in that hat!