Ok. So lots of things have been going on lately so i haven't quite had the time to post anything new. Baby is crawling- he is very fast. He is very impatient. He is teething. He cries and wants Mommy to hold him all the time. He is also a 25 lbs!
The Oklahoma State Fair started a couple of weeks ago. The Husband and I went on opening night with some friends. It was fun. There was beer, cheese on a stick (my fav), the smell of cinnamon buns and funnel cakes, and rickety old rides with crappy techno music playing in the background. We brought a flask of whiskey. It was a good time. I went back the next week but this time- during the day and brought The Baby, no flask. His nap seemed bothered by the sunshine and he caught a glimpse of a weird looking dude and a rather hefty black woman. He screamed bloody murder for absolutely no reason. I felt a little embarrassed, apologizing to those poor people, but then again, after all of the things I went through during pregnancy, not to mention actually giving birth- I decided it wasn't embarrassing and i'd better just get used to looking around at people in public, giving them a nod with a slight smile and mouthing "i'm sorry" because, after all, I am the person with the screaming baby. The photo above is from our first Ok. State Fair day together. The photo below is The Baby wanting me to hold him during our entire State Fair day together. He wore a red, white, and blue print baby hoodie from Old Navy, Ralph Lauren baby polo jeans, black shoes with gray stripes, and a baby mohawk.

A week and a half ago, my dad had knee replacement surgery. He has 6 kids and no wives. (he's been married 4 times and divorced 4 times) We've been taking turns taking care of him and let me tell you- it isn't easy. There are lots of things to remember! Meds, leg machine dealie, meals (he's diabetic), nurses, lots of doctors, etc. Not to mention, he just moved to Norman. (which is where i live, thankfully!) And we've all been busy unpacking his house, buying things he needs, taking care of bills, and hanging his massive art collection. The doctor asked my sister and I a question about something and we said the other sister probably knew- i told him that there are 6 of us and he had us so we could be his little post-it notes.
I know The Baby always has this look on his face in these photos i post, but trust me- he's a VERY happy baby. He just also happens to be very serious. Here's a funny photo to round out this post. We went out to eat mexican food later than our usual dinnertime and he was already in his jammies. I brought along a furry blanket for him to cuddle up in while sitting like a big boy in his highchair!
Well, i've been taking care of my dad all day and i'm so ready to get that Baby, get home, get in the shower, and then sit on my back porch with a glass of wine and my trusty old acoustic. Baby willing of course.
♥ jp
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