Baby is learning lots of new things this week. For example, he has started taking several shakey steps by himself. When he plays with any of his car or motorcycle toys, he says "vroom." Well, something like "vroom" anyway. If you stick your tongue out at him, he does it back. He can even give you "five." Baby is also trying to climb out of his baby jail, sticking his long monkey toes in the gate, trying to scale it. He really likes to stand on his toys, even if it's a toy that's 2 inches tall.

This is what he does when you stick your tongue out at him.
Something we probaby shouldn't be teaching him but hey, it's funny.

This weekend seemed long but probably because we started it on Thursday. We went out with my brothers in Oklahoma City and stayed out later than we thought we would. Very tired on Friday. Went to Bandmate's apartment on Friday evening to listen to some finished Bulletproof Tiger songs. They turned out better than i ever thought they would be!

Saturday night my little brother played a set of instrumental songs at Coaches. He does that crazy August Rush lap tapping guitar stuff.

We had to say goodbye! He left to go back to NYC early this morning. I liked having him around for a month.
Birthday Baby! A year ago I was so pregnant! It was very uncomfortable. Baby made me fat, kicked me all night, wouldn't let me sleep, wouldn't let me go 2 minutes without peeing, wouldn't let me eat avocados or red bell peppers, and gave me the worst heartburn you could ever have. I can't believe it's already been a year. They say babies grow up fast and They're right. I get sad when I come across a tiny jumper with little foldover mittens. Now he is a little happy person who eats little jars of food and drinks apple juice. Friday is his birthday and I'm looking forward to spending the day with him. I won't even trick him into eating vegetables. Saturday is his party and we're very excited.
It's been a very boring day. I did nothing productive. Wait, I unloaded the dishwasher and worked out. I came across a box of photos taken at our wedding. EEW. Love the man I married, hated the wedding. I was pregnant and fat and Husband was in the emergency room half of the day so I was filled with worry and on top of that, had to cancel my hair appointment. I cried because my best friends were out of state and couldn't be there. Husband didn't have a single friend there. I was so prego sick that I couldn't eat at the reception and of course couldn't even have champagne at my own wedding. I threw the pictures away and never want to look at them again. I should have insisted we wait until after Jack was born like we had agreed on in the first place! I've never been one to give into anything. Anyway, so that made my day a little blue and my mood still hasn't recovered. Husband doesn't understand but he's been married before and already had a real wedding, a pretty one, so why would he? It just makes me mad at myself because when i agreed to get married so soon, i was promised we would plan a real wedding for the following year. I know there are bigger things going on in the world, like wars and earthquakes, but sometimes i just need to feel sorry for myself. Okay? Everyone else gets to get married damnit, why couldn't i?
Happy Sunday, everyone.
♥ jp
*let me just note that i have a great husband and it's not that i wish we weren't married, i wish the circumstances had been different. this is a warning to all- this is what happens when you let your boyfriend take control of your wedding and you're promised a real wedding later. It never happens.
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