Monday, January 11, 2010

is this mic on?

does anybody even read this besides the Husband?  Just wondering.  I have nothing to report right now.  Finished up recording yesterday.  Had a lazy sunday evening.  Watched The Reader.  Or tried to anyway.  Baby toys are so loud.  Flipped through a new Martha Stewart Wedding mag.  Made myself thoroughly sad.  Today, Baby and I are up for adventure.  Which probably means we will go to Wal-Mart and buy groceries and then come home and put them away.  Maybe do a load or two of laundry.  Sounds exciting, huh?  The longest part of my day will be trying to put baby shoes on Baby's big feet.  Have a great week, Husband.
♥ jp


  1. Love you Jaguar Paw!

  2. Um, HI! I read I read!

    My big baby has big feet too. In fact, he can only wear Osh Kosh shoes or these weird ones from Ross. Not cool, not cool at all. I get jealous of everyone in their cute robeez and see kai run shoes.

  3. i'm a reader as well! i enjoy the insight and it gets me excited to go home and play with baby harper and my hubby to be. work blows!!!
