This weekend, Baby had a baby birthday party to attend. He found this tractor toy and played on it for a good while. He played in the baby moon bounce and ball pit, he ate cake, cheetos, and candy, and he kissed 3 other babies. He's very loving.

Baby and his cousin.

Baby gives sugars.

Aimery shared his birthday cake with Baby.

Apparently the babies didn't want to get their hands sticky. They've got this stuff figured out.

Sunday we went to the Dachshund Dash in Oklahoma City. Baby ate cookies and nachos and wanted to pet the dogs. It was a fun little rainy day afternoon.

Last week, Baby and I met Husband and my father-in-law in Okc for lunch. Baby was not very cooperative. Lately, going out to eat with him is not fun. At all. He really wants to feed himself with utensils but ends up making a huge mess. He also likes to throw fits when you won't take him out of his highchair so he can destroy the room and he also throws fits when you won't let him eat crayons.

Also last week, my BFF, Anna, came to Norman to have lunch with Baby and I. We went to The Mont where Baby threw many tantrums. I think he scared Anna into never having children.

He did look pretty cute though.
Next weekend is the Norman Music Festival. We will be playing Saturday night at 11pm at Bill and Dee's. We've got a lot of practicing to do this week. And I'm already tired. Baby has been very clingy lately. He wants me to hold him even more than usual. (it is possible, crazy, i know.) Baby is also teething which makes my life a little bit like hell in the evening when nothing makes him happy but biting me.
I said I was going to make a birthday list but I haven't started it yet. Husband says he's planning something for me but so far there are zero plans. Why am I not surprised? Are you reading this, Husband? I hate to say I told you so- so I'll shut my mouth and get another glass of wine.
♥ jp
All I can say is keep going to restaurants. Fox went through this and came out the other side and I'm glad. Because eating out is like the one thing I can still do and look forward too. Never tried taking the boys to the Mont though! That's really brave! I'm scared I'll get cool college kid evil eye.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to be around the kids stage at NMF?
you are very lucky! can't wait for my child to behave every once in a while in public.
ReplyDeleteoh, i get the cool college kid evil eye all the time but luckily my dirty looks are way dirtier so= I Win. Just give them the "why are you looking at me like that, you douchebag, i will kick your ass while holding a 32 pound baby" look and they cower. And remember, you've made 2 babies- MADE THEM with your body, and what have these cool kids ever made besides bad decisions in clothing and phone calls to their daddies when they get arrested for DUIs?
and yes, we will be at the kid's stage! though not sure how interested Jack will be in any of the activities. he would probably rather play with an empty box. we should coordinate times!