I think the next time I have a day to myself, I will work on new songs. It's not really something that I can sit down and do anytime I want- it has to be the right moment. I do have a song in mind that I'm dying to write- I made it up in the shower yesterday which is not uncommon. It's like my music writing office and every song just sounds better when sung in the shower. You know it's true, don't pretend you don't do it.
Also while the boys were gone, my mind had time to wander quite a bit and I think I've got a touch of wedding envy again. It went away for a while, because I forced it to= "No, you don't need to buy that Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. No, you don't need to watch Say Yes to the Dress. And no more In Style Wedding website. Shame on you." I didn't buy any magazines or watch wedding shows. It was damn Vegas. Everyday, you see so many girls in wedding dresses and girls in the elevator with bridesmaid hair. Every 10 minutes there's another dad in a suit walking around the lobby with a girl in a big white dress. I want a big white dress. Maybe not big, but I want one. *my mom took me dress shopping but it was a few days before the wedding so i had to buy something off the rack and didn't want to try and squeeze my prego butt into anything white. hello, huge cow.
What if you're already married but you pictured the wedding to be much more you than it was? Not to say I'm disappointed with my marriage- I'm not at all. Husband is great but I just feel like the way it all happened wasn't really fair. I sound like a brat, I know. But you know what? I don't care because when he proposed, he knew I didn't want to get married while I was pregnant. It's completely embarrassing. People still make jokes about it- and i never pictured my wedding or marriage to be something to laugh at or gossip about. At that time, I felt like no one was listening to me. In everyone else's defense, I was pumped full of crazy woman hormones- sick every day, getting fatter and fatter, and didn't have the energy to do anything about all of this. I said yes, of course, and was promised the wedding would be the following year, after the baby. Less than a week later, we were married.
I've probably said all of this in my blog before, but I'm having a Moment, ok? More important than the invitations and parties and picking out dishes- I just wanted to feel special enough to someone to do all of those things with. Like- "you're important to me and I love you more than anything, I want to spend my life with you and I want to celebrate this relationship with our family and friends."
Husband's parents would have done anything to make it the wedding I wanted but I still didn't know them well at the time and felt uncomfortable saying yes or no to anything. And it got worse when 2 days before the wedding, Husband fell asleep while driving and flipped his truck. Looking at that truck, it was a miracle he survived it- unharmed for the most part too. Um, so how am I supposed to say, "No, wait, I know you almost died, but I want to wait to get married." Tell me.
This is really my fault. If you know me well, you know that I'm very forward and opinionated. I'm not an asshole, I'm a very nice person- I just don't do things I don't want to do and I don't apologize for my decisions.
Little Brother and his insanely smart and beautiful girlfriend are looking at grad schools this week. They went to LA earlier and are in Austin now. Good luck to both of them- please move close. I miss you guys. Think they're applying to several other schools and I know they will find the right place. Little Brother has been studying nonstop for the LSAT and I know he will do fantastic.
The touch screen on my phone quit working yesterday so I bought the new Samsung Epic. It's pretty awesome so far. The camera on it is far superior to the old one I had. When you're looking for a phone, the camera features are the most important. You never know when you're going to see something outrageous or you just feel the urge to take stupid, pretentious photos of yourself.
Below is a pic of my BFF, Anna. She is a little thai/white girl who speaks with a fast, high pitched, okie accent. She turns 35 (!!!) on Sept. 13th. Her present came in today and it's awesome. I am such a good friend.
Husband took the picture below.

My friend, Evelyn, decided it was time to pack up and move to Peru for a year. I told her this isn't Eat, Pray, Love but the girl can do what she wants i suppose. I miss her already! We've been facebooking but you can't split a bottle of wine in cyberspace. I hope she finds a hot peruvian man and is prego and married by the time she comes back. If she reads this, this is where she laughs and says something sarcastic.

I think I will browse more dresses online. Maybe look at some bridesmaid dresses.
*anna and sandy really missed out. i would love nothing more than to pick out something for them to wear!
I promise, I will try to be more thankful for the awesome life I have instead of being resentful and sad about the things I didn't get. It's silly.
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