Two things come to mind at this moment. 1. Look at those baby eyelashes! He's like a baby camel or something. 2. I would like to thank the Creator for creating cantaloupe. It is delicious and it reminds me of sitting in my grandma's breakfast nook at her old house in Durant, OK. I've been eating a lot of it lately because, you see, I can't eat chocolate ice cream all day everyday.

Remember when you were a kid and everything was an adventure and every stick and rock was a toy? When I was little, I played and pretended and ate and slept and dreamed and played and pretended. Rose, our private babysitter, lived on a farm. They had chickens and cattle and barns, tractors, and bales of hay. One particular tractor sat to the side of the big yellow house and we would pretend it was a snow cone stand. (? yeah, i don't know but it was fun at the time.) Sometimes the cows would have babies and the days we got to bottle feed the calves were the best. I can remember how it felt when one would lick my hand. It tickled.

I wonder what goes on in Baby's mind when he's playing. I'm watching him play right now- he's putting on a pair of gloves and his pretend chainsaw is on the table in front of him. He's talking to himself, "vroom vroom dada (babble babble sigh) choo choo." Oh, now he has his goggles on as well. Somehow Bear Bear is involved in whatever he's playing- Baby set Bear Bear up on the table to watch him "cut" something. He's very busy and very content.

These pictures are from our playground playtime yesterday. It's still amazing outside so we'll venture out after Baby's nap.

I'm amazed at what Baby does and what makes him happy and what makes him concerned. People say "it's the little things" and it's really true. I love watching him because he's not worried about tests or money or friendship drama or parking tickets. He's totally stress-free. The only thing he worries about is getting all of his things gathered up at bedtime. Meow Meow, Bear Bear, Little Cat, paci, water, and 2 blankets. That's a lot of stuff to worry about for such a little boy.

Baby the explorer.

He literally RAN out of these shoes (they're a little big and they velcro at the heel) so he had to switch to regular tennis shoes. Can you still call them tennis shoes if they velcro?

Fastest Baby in the world.
♥ jp
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