Monday, November 2, 2009

Where the Wild Things Really Are

In Oklahoma, of course! The Baby seemed at home in his "Max" costume. Serious as ever. However, in the town we live in, football is quite serious. And it so happened the Sooners were playing on Halloween evening. So... our trick-or-treat night was on Friday instead of Saturday. Baby started feeling bad on Friday evening and by Saturday morning, he was full on sick. So no real Halloween for him. He cried and cuddled. Sunday we dressed him up and took some photos of him with his baby cousin in her giraffe costume. See below.

Husband came home one day and seemed surprised that I can actually sew. (i made Baby's costume) I've told him several times that I can but I guess he thought that meant hemming pants or something. Which is fine. If you've read this blog at all, then you know my husband has only known me for about a year and a half. And honestly, in that time, there is no reason i would sew. Or be creative at all. I was pregnant! And tired. And more pregnant and more tired. Anyway. I can sew! 
I thought I could use the Baby's naptime to blog but I was grossly mistaken. His naptimes are few and far between these days and i'm now using them to run to the shower and partially dry my hair before he wakes up and wants Mommy. He is obsessed with Mommy. He wants Mommy to hold him when she's in the room and to watch him while he does things when she's not holding him. It's a lot harder than it sounds. I'm on my feet, holding a 26 pound baby ALL DAY LONG. My back hurts. My brain hurts. My soul hurts by the end of the day. I'm tired. 

♥ jp