Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thank God Christmas is over.

We're back! The Husband, Baby Jack, and I have been so busy with the Christmas season that I haven't had time to do anything. Oklahoma caught a blizzard on Christmas Eve giving us the gift of a white Christmas and hazardous roads. At first, Baby didn't quite know whether to like or dislike playing in the snow. By the second day he figured out riding in a laundry basket pulled by The Husband and the dog, Lucy, was pretty fun.


Christmas was great. Baby got so many toys that they won't all fit into his room. We got a pool table, among many awesome things, so for the past few days it's occupied much of our time.
As for New Year's Eve- The Husband and I are trying to agree on something to do. He wants to go to his parent's house where they're throwing a party which will, no doubt, be fun. But I would like to stay around here where my mom will keep Baby overnight so we can dress up, go to dinner, and see some friends. I feel like I haven't seen anyone in so long. I have major cabin fever. Major. Just the thought of chasing after the baby all night on New Year's is exhausting.

Here are a few cute photos of Baby Jack that I've taken in the past few months while I was away from Sweet Action Paradise.

Baby Santa


Baby goes to Sun Studios in Memphis, TN.

Baby goes to Stax Records, also in Memphis.

Baby dances at a party in Alabama.

♥ jp

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