Somebody got a little baby haircut last week. It started to look like a little mullet so something had to be done. We had a few days of nice weather so there was no choice but to take Baby to the Duck Pond and for a few walks around the block. He had a very good time. In these photos, he's wearing one of my favorite flannel shirts and a pair of baby Wrangler jeans. The shirt is almost too small so I thought we could get one more wear in before it's a belly shirt. He's wearing his blue and silver Nike shoes as those are one of two pair of shoes that fit him. I'm looking for a simple pair of white canvas slip-ons, so if you see any, let me know where!

The other day, Baby and I strolled into The Gap and picked up these plain black pants for $5.99! Sold! What a deal. Even though they did not pick Baby to be a Baby Gap baby... seriously, the babies they picked are cute but this baby is way cuter. Am I right? They probably didn't want to upset the other babies is what I'm thinking. That's ok, he'll go on impressing everyone in the line at the store. What a little Grocery Store Romeo he is.

Friday, Husband's sisters stopped by with Baby's baby cousin. He's very unsure when Husband or I hold her. He's also very sweet and lays his head on her head to snuggle. He even tries to share his pacifier with her.

Baby's Aunt Natalie gave him a lawn mower so he can be just like his lawn obsessed dad. (although i do believe a certain wife/mommy raking up huge piles of leaves before winter... ahem.)

This weekend I also scored 2 pair of shoes and 2 bags. A Prada and a Jimmy Choo to keep Marc and his friends in good company in my closet. And just to make you even more jealous, I also had a wonderful Aveda hot stone massage at the
Ihloff Salon. A manicure and cookout were also on my list of things-to-do on Saturday. Later that night, we met our friends at my brother's one man band show.

Sunday was very lazy. Nice and relaxing. And then I had to pinch a nerve in my back/neck area. Can't pick up Baby. Can't look to the right. Can't look down. Hopefully this will go away soon, especially since I have no choice but to carry a 30 pound baby around tomorrow. Which reminds me= tomorrow is my brother's 30th birthday! Man, he's old. (not really, i'm not that far behind him myself. hah.) And speaking of brothers. My little brother will be flying into Oklahoma on Friday with his girlfriend. Can't wait to see them. This will be a good week.
♥ jp
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