I know. We've been gone for a while now. Baby is getting more and more demanding of my attention and when I'm not holding him or feeding him or changing his diaper or entertaining him, I'm usually cooking dinner or grocery shopping or doing the laundry. Wow. Never in a million years thought I would be a housewife/mommy! I actually don't mind it though. (what? who are you, Brooke?) We've had a very busy household in the past couple of months. The weather is so nice lately that we like to get out and do things like go to the park or go golfing or go to a baseball game. It's proper cookout and gardening weather. We put our new patio furniture together and started cleaning up the backyard. It's lookin' real good. Here are some recent photos, in no particular order.
Weather permitting, we've been taking Baby on nighttime walks just before bedtime. He gets sleepy in his wagon and mid-walk, I lay him down with his glowing seahorse stuffed animal and he falls right to sleep. Getting him out of the wagon and into his crib can get a little tricky but we've been pretty lucky so far.
Bulletproof Tiger played one whole show, folks. Yep. FINALLY. Anyway, so we have a few more booked and have been rehearsing at our house. Baby really wants to play in the band. Sometimes I hold him up to the mic and let him shake a shaker egg and sing with me. He also likes playing the piano and the guitar. Not much of an organ player though. BT will play this year at the Norman Music Festival! Looking forward to that for sure!
This Easter, we went to brunch at The Trails, a golf and club where we are members. *if you know me then you're probably asking "where is brooke, and what have you done to her?" but they have really good bloody marys and in the summer, their club specials really hit the spot.* I mostly ride around in the golf cart reading a Vogue or Us Weekly while Husband plays. I used to golf when I was in high school. Now, I don't play golf, I play guitar. Husband really wants me to golf with him- Sorry, Husband! I will golf if you learn to play the banjo. Or harmonica. Or guitar. Or something. See? Even deal. Oh, I do like cute little golf outfits though. I can get onboard with that.
Baby liked his bunny ears. And all of the chocolate the Easter Bunny brought him.
He didn't really care for the easter egg hunt though. We had to say, "Get the ball!" He would pick up a plastic egg and throw it. He also picked up sticks and hit things with them and really wanted to play in the sand trap. All boy. The other babies were very well-behaved and walked hand-in-hand with their parents and did what they were told. Not Baby. He ran around like a wild animal. One of the many reasons I love him so much.
Photos of our first show. Thanks to Wendybird for taking them. The show was fun. People kept asking if I was nervous. I never get nervous about pretty much anything anymore. Especially playing shows. I've played horrible shows and embarrassed myself as much as one can so now i've just learned that it doesn't really matter anyway. I was in my early 20's back then so of course I always thought it was a bigger deal than it was. I think I just look nervous because I'm pretty quiet onstage. What should I talk about? The weather? Baby? Tell bad jokes? What the songs are about? Nobody wants to hear me talk about any of that so I don't say anything.

Husband bought Baby a pair of moccasins just like the pair I wear all the time. Very cute.

People see this picture of me and think I cut my hair into a bob. I did no such thing. It's in a side-ponytail. But thanks for all the compliments and SORRY i didn't cut it. Gosh.
Husband has an iphone so we take photos with his Hipstamatic camera app. I really, really need an iphone. Much more blogging would happen if I had one.
Jack went to a birthday party! It was all Disney. He liked his ears and had the cutest Mickey shirt with his name on it. He's a very lucky boy.
Soon I will post a birthday wish list. It will possibly include an acoustic/electric guitar (because 4 guitars just aren't enough), marc jacobs bag, shoes- though not sure what kind yet, new shades, and after those things, what else does a girl really need?

Well what else has happened? We went to the medieval fair and those people are just plain dorky and weird. But then again, who am I to judge anyone? Even if they do carry pretend swords. Husband and I have had a couple of sushi dates. Had a double-date with Anna and David. Went to Marisa's birthday party. Um. I don't know. I've been sick with allergies a lot lately. Got a B12 shot today. I love those. I've been watching that new show on E! called Pretty Wild. Why do I watch it? No idea. What is it about? No idea. It's awful and I can't take my eyes off of it.
ok. Lots more has happened but we'll just start over because I can't even remember what all has been going on in the past month. Let's look forward to next month. My birthday month. I'm going to go ahead and turn 27 again this year. I don't want to hear otherwise, Husband! Don't. Open. Mouth.
Soon I will post a birthday wish list. It will possibly include an acoustic/electric guitar (because 4 guitars just aren't enough), marc jacobs bag, shoes- though not sure what kind yet, new shades, and after those things, what else does a girl really need?
♥ jp
Thanks for the update! That baby is so cute. He and Fox had the same Easter outfit! Weren't you sad that it was too hot for the whale cardigan? Can't wait for the Norman Music Festival. I hope you aren't playing too late in the night so me and my babies can come scream like we're cool.