I can't begin to backtrack so we'll start fresh. This friday, our friends came to hang out after Baby went to sleep. It was fun. David and I discussed our new business venture- more to come on that later. Anna and I discussed work things and fitness. The boys drank beer, we drank wine. They smoked cigarettes, I tried out my new E-Cig. I used to be a regular, gross smoker and now, after not smoking for a year when i was preggers and also when I had a newborn, I smoke when I drink- so absolutely never around the baby. Gross? It is. Satisfying? Yes, it is. My mom knew I smoked, back when- and always disapproved, but my dad and I have never discussed it. I do not smoke around them or old people or preggies or babies/kids. But now i'm very close to 30 years old and i've decided that i'm not scared of smoking because of my parents or anyone elses' parents, but scared that Baby won't have a mommy if she keeps smoking- even if only socially. So I'm trying to quit that. Hence the electronic cigarette. We'll see how this goes. I'm rooting for you, weird water vapor cigarette.
So Saturday, we ran around town like a cute little family during the day and then Baby stayed at my momma's house that evening and night. My mom did not call or text me once, which I was VERY grateful for because I needed a break from fetching juice and reading the same book 20 times in a row. I also needed some hardcore sleep. So we met up with our friends, Kris and Casey, for Casey's birthday dinner/party. Ate at Blu, (sorta?) partied at Opie's. Ok. Opie's is not cool, however mildly entertaining for totally sober, baby-free parents. Wow. I wish I had taken my camera to that place. Anyway, we were home and in bed at a decent time, not drunky at all- and had a good nights sleep, thanks to my momma. Which reminds me, Happy Father's Day, Mom! Trust me, she deserves it. Oh yeah, Happy Father's Day to my dad too.
Once again, I want to tell Husband what an amazing father he is. When i wake Baby up in the mornings the first thing he says is "I want the ball!" BUT the second thing he says is "Dada????" and looks for his daddy. Jack laughs the hardest when he's playing with his daddy. I love that laugh.
Among other things that happened this weekend, we went brunch at Ricki's, bought a pool for the baby (Husband and I can fit in it too!), watched a lot of football, baseball, and golf on TV, went to summer breeze, made a lot of food, and watched Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami and Holly's World. Why? Because they're fun.
Husband and I have our 2 year wedding anniversary coming up soon! We're trying to figure out what to do for it and also where we should go on vacation. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. festivalcityfilms@hotmail.com
It's late, I should probably be reading a book or something.
xo, jp
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