Oh yeah. This other thing happened too.
Husband and I had a trip to Vegas all planned. 2 of my best friends were going to be there on our anniversary weekend so it worked out perfectly. But then- 2 days before we leave, at 5pm, Husband, Baby, and I left the house for 45 minutes to run to Classic 50's to get a drink and drop by a friend's house to pick up something they had borrowed. As we pulled up to our house, Husband said, very calmly, "Where's my truck?" Um. What? Seriously, where is his truck? I immediately became Nagging Wife and said "I told you to quite leaving your keys in your unlocked truck!" Turns out he didn't. They broke into our house, stole 2 guns, 1 guitar, a lot of my jewelry, all of my cameras, golf clubs, everything in our safe- our passports, ss cards, birth certificates, motorcycle title, marriage license, etc. Oh, and all of my flip flops? And my new Gap hoodie and my childhood babydoll. They must have seen Husband's keys on the way out. WTF?! I'm still finding things missing- everyday. And needless to say, we cancelled our Vegas trip. Boo.
Even crazier is that a few days later, Husband and I were on our way home from OKC in his new truck. We're sitting still in traffic, waiting to get on the 35 Southbound exit from I-240. "MOTHERFUCKER! MOTHERFUCKER!" said Husband. Guess what? His stolen truck just passed us. We jump out of the exit lane and follow the truck. Now, the truck is a white Ford F-150. There are only one million in Oklahoma so how did we know it was his? The 2 antennas on the roof and the new tires he had recently put on. We called 911. The guy figured out we were following him and started to play car chase games. At one point, both trucks were nose to nose, waiting for each other to make a move. He pulled up next to us, on my side, rolled the windows down and threw his hands in the air. I was scared, knowing that I didn't want to get shot with our stolen guns, I ducked down. He took off and the chase was really on. At one point, Husband talking to 911, said, "Ma'am. He is in a white Ford F-150. Yes. I am also driving a white Ford F-150. Yes. We are BOTH DRIVING WHITE FORD F-150S! WE ARE THE ONLY 2 WHITE FORD F-150S GOING 75MPH DOWN 29TH STREET! WE'RE HARD TO MISS." (imagine this with Husband's thick Alabama/Texas sounding accent)
Shortly after, we were swarmed by 20 cop cars in a neighborhood. They took off in every direction. At that point, we had lost the guy and were frantically driving around. 911 called to tell us the police had gone on a little high speed chase and they had the truck and the guy at S. 23rd and Walker at an EMSA station. We flew. They found a lot of Husband's stuff in the truck, 2 of my cameras. One loaded gun stuffed in between the drivers seat and the console. Meth. A bag of social security cards. Our checkbook with almost 30 checks missing. Blah. Yes, they've also been writing 800 dollar checks to Lowe's and Sam's. Also taking checks without a photo ID: Ross, Walgreens, Braum's, and 711. Everyday we've had more checks come through and have to go to the bank and the police station to fill our paperwork.
This is all a big hassle and money consumer. New locks, new door, alarm system, electric garage door with a keypad. We should have just gotten a german shepherd. Anyway. It was a crazy ride and I'm glad last week is over. I now have dreams about people breaking into the house and I'm trying to get to the baby's room. Ugh. I'm a tough girl but it's scary knowing someone has been in your home, going through your things. I feel like they were probably watching us for a while. I'm already a worrier by genetics so this has stressed me out quite a bit.
Oh, and I got a massage last week and had an allergic reaction to something they put on me! And it was our anniversary weekend and Husband forgot to make reservations and so we did nothing. THANKS A LOT, HUSBAND! He got in trouble but I guess I'll forgive him... as soon as that '61 Lincoln is in my driveway or you know, he could just take me to dinner or something.
Anyway, I'm glad it's Friday. My friends are coming over tonight and I'll be happy to sit on the back porch and play music. For now, music, Husband, and Baby make me feel better. Did I mention that The Oh Johnny! Girls have rehearsal on Sunday?! Let's hope this weekend makes up for stolen property, rashes, a cancelled trip, and a blah anniversary.
Special thanks to our family for watching Jack and all of the support.
I'll try to keep up with posts but i have pretty much zero time lately.
xo, jp
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