This little family had a good weekend. Friday, Baby visited my mom for a little bit and Husband and I hung out with a few friends. We were all tucked into bed at a decent time. Baby was sleeping and Husband was sleeping while I watched bad reality tv. Saturday I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. I made breakfast for the boys, gave the baby a bath, did a little laundry. Husband had made plans for that evening so his parents took the baby on a shopping adventure. We headed to OKC where we stayed at the Waterford. We swam and sipped cocktails all afternoon and went to dinner at my favorite place, Michael's Grill, later that night. Went by the Blue Note- hadn't been there since it closed and re-opened. Stopped by VZD's for a second to see some friends. Ended our night at the hotel bar for one last drink. Lucky for us, there had been a wedding that night and everyone in the bar had hilarious prom hair. Lots for us to discuss. The night was fun. I wore my new electric blue suede heels with a matchy strapless blue dress with white polka dots. Very smurf/katy perry. The shoes make me taller than Husband. Not sure that he appreciated that or not.

Sunday, we did a little morning swimming and then had lunch with the in-laws back in Norman. Went home, put Baby down for a nap and watched The Runaways. When Baby woke up, we took him to the pool at The Trails and then rode around in a golf cart for a while after.

Baby and Husband in the pool.

This is what i wore to dinner. Later, I changed into more comfortable 5 inch heels. I love this jackson pollack-ish dress though. (husband and baby never take photos of me so excuse the 1 7 year old girl myspace tacky mirror picture.)

Waterford pool.

Juanita's in Little Rock. On the way back from staying the night with Husband's grandparents in Arkansas.

Great Grandpa- Big T, Baby, Husband

At the summer breeze concert series. Every other sunday. Big Smith played- we liked them a lot.

Grocery shopping. I love this little striped baby gap shirt.

Baby at The Mont laughing really hard. He's wearing a baby AC/DC tshirt I bought at Target.

Baby sometimes eats ketchup with a fork.

these are a little out of order. whatever. Shopping again in cute shirt.
I was supposed to have Oh Johnny! Girls' practice today but it's been moved to tomorrow. BOO! I've been looking forward to it. Last practice with our new drummer, Bennett, went really well. Like, awesome well. I'm so excited for our upcoming show. August 7th at the Okie Twist Off at the 66 Bowl.
What shall we do today? Husband is golfing at the moment and tree people are coming this afternoon to cut down 2 or 3 trees so we have room for a big plaything so Baby has his own private park. Husband's parents took Baby to pick one out this weekend. It's really cool- will post pictures of our backyard transformation soon.
This is the end of this post. It's almost time to wake the kid up and feed him some breakfast. No time for proofreading.
love, jp
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