Lately I've been missing some old friends. Or maybe the way my friends treated me before I got married, bought a house and had a baby. I love my friends, don't get me wrong. Sitting at home all the time and not being invited to dinner or drinks or movies when I'm actually free to go almost anytime sucks though. I was seriously on the phone the other day for 45 minutes and only said "yeah" and "uh huh" and "i understand." Maybe it's not you, it's me. Maybe I'm just not as fun to hang out with as I think I am.
Bitch and complain, bitch and complain. That's why I like blogging- if you don't want to hear it, don't read it. Maybe I'm in a bad mood because A.) it looks sunny and beautiful outside but it's really cold so I don't want to go out or B.) we're out of Diet Coke and all I want in life right now is a Diet Coke and Baby Jack is napping so I am stuck at home for another hour.
Aww man. This Baby Jack on a baby four wheeler makes me feel much better. Diet Coke, I don't need you anymore.
This is David jumping on the bed when we all went to see Broken Social Scene. He was just so excited. I wish Husband would have jumped on the bed with him. That would have been a better picture.

If ANYBODY is free to hang out this evening, Husband is going to play basketball so I'm free to do something. Dinner (at a baby friendly place) or a glass of wine on my back porch while baby plays or something? Ok. Maybe that's why nobody likes to hang out with me anymore= because everything must be baby friendly. Well, Baby Jack is way more fun to hang out with than you anyway. He doesn't bitch and complain about anything and he lets me talk too.

♥ jp
I just saw this! I will go to baby friendly places and try not to be scared of the baby.
he's too big to be scared of now. he's bigger than you, M! as soon as you get a free evening, let's meet up at a bar for some good time girl talk.