Today has been a great day. Baby Jack slept in so we slept in. Had brunch at Iguana Grill in OKC with my mom, brother, and sister-in-law for Husband's birthday. Afterwards, Husband, Jack and I went to Edmond to visit my grandma in her new place- she was moved to a nursing home. It was a pleasant place and she was in good spirits, playing with Jack and talking golf with Husband.

Up top- This is what I'm doing right this second. Sitting on the back porch, drinking a budweiser with ice, listening to Townes Van Zandt and Dwight Yoakam and painting my nails my favorite shade- OPI Koala Berry. Jack is playing in the yard with his four wheeler and his baby lawn mower and Husband is drinking beer and singing along to songs, rocking in his chair.

It's 77 degrees and the sun is setting over the giant hill in our back yard. This is Oklahoma so we're enjoying this weather now because it could very well blizzard or tornado tomorrow, no telling.

Baby Jack had a chocolate ice cream cone on the way home. Very messy.

Last weekend, Husband and our friend David went up to Tulsa to watch Broken Social Scene at the legendary Cain's Ballroom. I spent most of my high school weekends going to shows at Cain's. I've played there one time and it was awesome.

We hit up a mexican joint in our town called Cha Cha's before our journey.

Checked into our hotel in Tulsa and hung out at Caz's bar, a Tulsa favorite of mine and then Soundpony. Caught up with a few friends and headed next door to the show. It was awesome.

Last Tuesday was Husband's 29th birthday. We grilled out and I brought home cupcakes from Sugar.

Workout gear. It's easier to track my progress with pictures. I really don't get on the scale very often.

pink sweater, brown boots.

Baby Jack started "school" last week. 3 days a week for 5 hours each day. So far, he has been a good baby. I was so scared the first day, expecting a call about my kid biting or pinching another kid, but instead he was a number 10 on their "Happy Meter." Very good. And they're very impressed with this kid's style. Of course.

Friday we had a birthday party for Husband. It was fun and a little drunk. I made butter pecan cupcakes and a peanut butter thing that turned out pretty awesome.

I have a ton of great photos to upload from my real camera but it's just easier to upload pics from my phone. I know, I'm lazy. I'll get around to it.

The Oscars on on so I'm going inside to make dinner and hang out on the couch.
♥ jp
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