Once upon a time, there was a girl (me) and she had a baby boy (Baby) and he made her weigh one million pounds. And guess what?

I have just recently entered the 12o's again! Yes, it's very exciting. Yes, it's been 2 years and a month since I had the baby but you know, these things take time. Especially when I simply cannot deny myself a little chocolate and a little pizza here and there or, like, every day or every other day. The past month I've been sort of following the Tracy Anderson Method and it's the best thing ever. I mean, if you don't believe me, believe Gwyneth. Yay! Clap for the Mommy! *Baby would clap for me.

How much cute can one baby have? I know I'm his mother (whoa, I'm somebody's mother?!) but I just think he is so handsome.

My tiger bandmate and his friend, Katy. They giggle and stuff. EEEEW.

Saw a band called The Needles last night. They were great and I would like to see them again but guys, more originals please! I sound like jerk, huh? I don't mean it in a mean way.

People think I'm really, really tall but it's only because I wear obnoxiously tall high heels. I'm really 5'6 and one half. *the one half is very important.

The Baby picked out his outfit. I usually give him 2 choices of shirts, pants, and shoes and i pick a jacket. It was sunny out and he wanted to wear his baby Ray-Bans but they were in Husband's truck and he was at work so he picked these orange fake Ray-Bans out of our crappy sunglasses drawer. *we keep our nice sunglasses in a tray by the front door. It's funny how definite he is about his clothing choice.

Notice Goodnight Moon in his hand. He's been carrying it around with him everywhere lately.

So I'm not great at this blogging thing- sometimes I keep up with it and sometimes I don't. I'm a busy girl and I have very important things to do. Like eat a bag of Planters Chili Lime Flavor Grove Skinless Almonds instead of the recommended handful. Someday I'll have more pages on here- like every other blogger on the cyberface of the earth. I'm working on it, people. *and by "people," i mean my mom and, like, 2 of my friends.

Babies in goggles are pretty awesome babies.

I had planned on driving to see my in-laws on this beautiful Saturday but instead I'm laying on my couch watching Kardashian re-runs. I am not feeling so good today- allergy problems + headache + back spasms. Please fix me and then take me to happy hour.
♥ jp
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