Baby is getting taller, skinnier, louder, bossier, and more independent everyday. Some days he's sweet, some days he's in a bad mood. Goes with the 2 year old territory I guess. This weekend we had egg hunts, a birthday, a wedding reception, and a friend in town. It rained. We ate red curry and pra ram. I drank a little wine, Husband drank a few beers. We watched an obscene number of Friday Night Lights episodes on Netflix streaming. Ohmygod that show is SO GOOD. If I talked about how great it is, it could have it's own blog. I'm sure there's one somewhere. Oh Tim Riggins, you are beautiful.

Baby was sick last week so he missed school and I didn't get to visit my Grandma. As nice as it is to have the baby around all day, everyday- this mommy needs a little break. We have several friends who offer to watch him every week but then can't ever actually watch him. I know how it is though, people have lives. I'm guilty of living in my little bubble with Baby and Husband and dismissing everything else. That's something I need to work on. But... if you are a friend and can watch Jack this evening or tomorrow evening, that would be awesome and I will owe you a huge favor. Like, if you're ever stranded in a nearby state, I will totally come and pick you up. Or if you leave your wallet at home, I'll buy your lunch. Or I'll just take you out for dinner sometime. Babysitter's choice!

What's going on- Tonight Mates of State play a free show at OU. It's rainy outside so they've moved it inside. BOO! We thought about taking Jack but I think it'll be too crowded inside so we probably won't go. Water for Elephants opened in theaters this weekend- i loved the book so i'm excited to see it. Wednesday we have The Oh Johnny! Girls' rehearsal. Thursday we play the opening day of the Norman Music Festival. Bill and Dee's at 11pm. Saturday I play twice with my other band, Bulletproof Tiger. 1:30 at the Opolis and 3:30 at the Blue Bonnet Bar.

above: My dad cut a piece of birthday cake for Jack (my niece's sweet 16) and the birthday girl wasn't even there yet! There was a big hole cut out while she blew out her candles. Jack was appreciative.

above: The early works of Jack H. E. Brady. Baby Jack's school/church had an art fundraiser for a new playground and art center. Jack's painting sold for $30. The kid has art in his blood- i can actually hang it up! I love it. Some of those other kids have questionable art skills. Jack, once again, you rule.

above and below: Saturday night we had a casual sort of wedding reception to attend. It was nice to see old friends. We stopped by The Library and The Garage before the party. The Garage is new and I like it. Last week I went to Blackbird Gastropub and liked it too. Feels good to have some new places in town to go to.

Baby Jack calls the Easter Bunny "Bun Bun" and is terrified of him. I never knew he could hold on to me so tight. I don't blame him though- Bun Bun was pretty creepy looking. Sunday we had lunch at The Trails. Bun Bun was there and we went on an egg hunt in the men's locker room because of the crazy rain floods. Jack had fun, I had a mimosa. I went casual with gap jeans and a white banana republic shirt, a trench, and heels. A pastel dress just seems weird to wear when it's dark and crappy outside. I LOVE Easter dress hunting so it was disappointing but there's always next year.
I erased all contacts in my phone yesterday. Yay! I'm such a mess already this week. If you're around, let's get a glass of wine or something. I need to get out of the house, even if it's for an hour.
♥ jp
You MUST bring Jack by the Children's Art Field during the OKC Art Festival this week! He'd love it! I'm working every single stinking day, so come see me! There is also "Young at Art Mart" next door. The kids go in and purchase art of their choice. (No parents allowed.) It's adorable because you get to see what your kind of art your children are into without any guidance. Love the black heels in your photo by the way!
hey I think I see a cowboy in your 1st photo! hehe. I worship your outfits. If I was in OK I would totally stay with Jack. He looks like a lot of fun...and maybe some mischief mixed in. just like me.
ReplyDeleteCarissa- i'm glad you reminded me about the art fest! i'm hoping we can get up there on thursday or friday. Jack will love it!
ReplyDeleteMary- that is totally a cowboy! i forget that you guys don't have real cowboys up that way! so funny! the last time Laura was here, she was amazed (and probably appalled) at the number of cowboys roaming the town. man, i wish we were coming to the big graduation. i'm sure blake would wear a cowboy hat and boots.
you would LOVE jack. he is mischievous and adorable. and he LOVES girls. ; )