Up top is a pic of a typical Vegas breakfast= a white russian. ...ok, i only did it one time and i only drank 1/3 of it before giving it to Husband. Whatever.
above: somehow i have a ton of pics of Tornado Timmy (The Oh Johnny! Girls' bass player) on various hotel phones. He was especially impressed with the "crapper phone" in his room. Oh man, I just remembered the videos I shot of him making prank calls to the Vegas hookers. Just so you know- ALL of the numbers on those fliers go to the same person. Yes, I realize how stupid it sounds that we were prank calling hookers while in Las Vegas but it was funny so shut up.
above: Justin and Natalie on the first night. Margaritas for everyone! Well, I think Justin had a beer.
Friday night we ventured downtown. We hit up Binion's and wandered the streets watching performers and making fun of people.
above: after a night out, pool time was very refreshing.
above: Saturday evening, Husband had reservations for Mon Ami Gabi and they ate steak and I ate vegetables. And they even had a cake delivered to the restaurant! Red velvet- my favorite. It was very sweet.

above: Birthday/shoe/love.
above: Anna enjoying the sun and the pina coladas.
Below: You may wonder why I take pictures of myself trying on clothes while shopping. Let me explain- I like to shop and I like to buy but sometimes if i'm unsure if i really like something, I take a quick picture that way I can look at it later when I'm at home convincing myself that I should have bought it and now that I didn't buy it, my world will be over because I need- HAVE- to wear it that night. So if I have a picture, I can look at it for real and remind myself of any doubts. I think about things like this. I was born this way, ok?
I did buy this shirt. Kind of regretting not buying the jeans. I also tried on this dress but they didn't have my size.
below: I liked this dress but wasn't sure so I didn't buy it. I can always order it here I guess.

above and below: After the birthday dinner, we all went to see Peepshow. I wanted to be comfortable so I wore a light sweater, jeans, and my leopard birthday shoes.

below: The flight home was pretty painless. When we got home, my mother-in-law, Pamela, came by to bring Baby Jack home. He picked out a present for me- a pretend tea set so we could have tea parties, mini cupcakes, and 2 cards, both featuring dogs. Very cute! He also took me out to Pamela's car where there was... a chair wrapped up in the back! A chair that I have been wanting. And I love it. Welcome to your new home, Chair.

above: Birthday tea party. Sweetest ever.

below: Ok, so i really like these denim style harem pants- i know- what the hell- but i am sometimes a weirdo and like weirdo things, usually weirdo fashion things. Back to my thought- I like them but I don't like them on me. I see them on other girls and they look cool- on me, these look like denim sweat pants. I would really love this to work out but I just don't think it's going to. Denim. Sweat. Pants. No.

I will leave you with these cuties. Jack and his cousin, Peyton. They spent the weekend together and had lots of fun.
♥ jp
I love that chair! And the jeans and the birthday shoes and the dress and the shirt! Sounds like you had a fab birthday lady! What a fun way to spend it in Vegas! xx