I did something bad to my back 2 days ago while lifting Jack into his car seat. I thought surely I would feel better by today but it still hurts and I can't turn my head to the right without excruciating pain shooting down my back. I used to go to a chiropractor when this happened but it only made it worse so now I'm trying the tough-it-out/buck-up-cowboy method. It hurts to sit, stand or exist right now so I definitely haven't been working out. Fitness is something I look forward to, believe it or not.
I know I preach the Tracy Anderson Method, blah blah blah, but I swear it's changed my body and my mind. If I were more disciplined with the diet part of the program, I would be at my ideal size but is it worth it to give up mexican food and the occasional cheetos? For real- it's just in our (female) nature to be hard on ourselves for eating at that Mazzio's lunch buffet. But why? Life is short, people. Time flies by. Blah blah blah. That shit is true- and if you want to eat a donut or have a strawberry custard with caramel and bananas every so often, do it. I do and I try not to worry about it. I don't suggest eating like an asshole at every meal, but I think a few times a week is fine. Every few weeks, I actually follow the TAM diet for a little bit and by the weekend I'm back to where I was before Taco Bell and a few beers. My advice- quit stressing, eat the damn cupcake, and Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis is the best $80ish bucks you'll ever spend on yourself.

have a lovely day. ♥ jp
2 in a week? Yea! I have missed your posts and you and your munchkin bear. Oh, and I guess Blake too ;)You're a great mama bear and if (when) you do have another one it will be awesome. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteI read these so that's 11 of us haha
ReplyDeleteThe Matt aka anonymous
I read them also; ) I love hearing about baby bear Jack....
ReplyDeletetotally awesome mom. not to mention very hot. keep blogging. xo.