from Apartment Therapy
We just had our 3 year anniversary yesterday and looking back on that time is very strange. Not in a bad way, just not conventional i guess. I've basically only known him as my husband and a father because we met and 2 months later were married and pregnant. I feel so fortunate to have such a great man in my life and such a great little boy but sometimes feel like we missed out on doing a lot of things couples do before any of that comes along. Not that it's important now, but it would have been fun and nice to have those memories together.
Jack was in Alabama all of last week and I missed him like crazy. The first few days would have been fun except I had a fight with my mom and my little brother and on top of that, I had a summer cold that really sucked. I was just a little sad but I wrote and recorded a new song and lounged around the house with allergy meds and cough drops. Thursday and Friday, Husband played golf and I REALLY started to miss my chicken. I get lonely when he's gone, he's my little buddy. Saturday, we stayed at the Waterford in OKC like we did last year. Hung out at the pool, had a couple of cocktails. There's always a wedding party staying there on the weekend of our anniversary as it is a very popular wedding weekend. The hotel bar by the end of the night was insane and funny. I'll post pics of this stuff later. For now, I have a question.
Is it time for another baby? We talk about it all the time and Husband was ready weeks ago. Some days I wake up and really want to be pregnant again. Is that weird? I think it's weird but I'm sure it's some biological trick. I would like to be pregnant in the winter like I was with Jack so I need to make this decision pretty soon. They say every pregnancy is different so maybe the next time I'll be all glow-y without morning sickness or food aversions and I won't retain water like a MF.
If I get pregnant, what will I do about playing music? I played until I was about 7 months last time but it was really hard. Then I didn't start playing again until a while after having Jack. So many decisions. When is the right time, guys? Do I want to be pregnant and chasing after a 2 year old? Do we have room in our house for another baby? The answer is no- we don't! We have an extra room but if it's another nursery, where do my guitars and computer go? Where do the guests stay? Would we every have guests again? Will Husband and I ever have a night out again? How much weight will I gain and how long will it take for me to work it off? Can we afford another baby? All of this sounds like a nightmare however, I want another baby to love like crazy. Jack would be a really good big brother. He's very caring and helpful and he always asks when we get to have a baby. (i wonder who taught him that!)

above & below from DecorPad
I wouldn't care if we had a boy or girl as long as we have a happy and healthy baby. I wonder if it would look like Jack? Will it be harder the second time or easier? Am I crazy? If I get pregnant again, can I talk Husband into not staring at facebook and golf websites on his phone while driving us around? Yes, people, he does this and I've started to take his phone away unless he gets a work call. It scares the shit out of me, especially when my chicken is in the car. Dear Husband, QUIT IT, it's irresponsible.

Originally, we had agreed to have another baby a year or so after Jack was born so they'd be close in age. Husband had promised we'd have a real wedding the summer after Jack was born and that didn't happen. So then, I made a deal with him- we'd talk about having a baby after he kept his promise. At that rate, Jack would be an only child and that's not what I want.
We've gotten new stainless appliances and now we just need to find an affordable and cool stainless stove. In my dreams it's an industrial gas stove but anything stainless would definitely be awesome. I'd also like to replace our ugly cabinets with white exposed shelving and rip out the totally 70's backsplash and matching countertops and use something simple. Our kitchen is small and I have pretty dishes.

Dude. I just remembered that we bought lottery tickets on Saturday- which is Husband's lucky day. (the day he survived a horrible car accident- probably facebooking and driving- 3 years ago and last year we went on that crazy car chase and chased down our own truck and the guy who broke into our house.) We figured, what the hell- maybe we'll get lucky. The drawing is tonight, I think. Wish us luck. Wish my kitchen luck.

2. nevermind number 2.
3. Gray or pink room?
4. Pink or black upholstery?
5. Luck?
6. One more luck?
thanks. ♥ jp
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