Tuesday, October 18, 2011

cat power.

Lynx stealthily cruises the house, petting herself on pieces of furniture.  When I say her name, she runs at full speed from across the living room and dives her whole body up my leg.  OMG.  This cat gives running hugs like Jack!  This will prove amusing in the coming months.  Something about fall and winter.  Chili, butternut squash lasagna, delicious heavy beer, wine, soft throws, comfy sweaters, spicy vanilla and pumpkin candles, roaring fires, netflix, and cuddle cats.  Leo has just emerged from his hiding spot in the linen cabinet.  He walked by the table and gave me a nudge with the side of his beige-y amber head as he made his way to find the litter box.  He likes me, I just know it.

My friends, Dave and Devon, are moving to Japan and had to make the difficult decision to leave 2 of their cats behind.  I had offered to take them a while back but I was too late.  They already had a new home.  It's sad it didn't work out with the other family but I think they will be great here.  Jack told everyone at school this morning that he gets new cats today.  He's very excited, a little concerned though.

You may remember my dear Jackson kitty.  He was my best friend for almost 10 years and it's been over a year since he's been gone.  I still miss that damn cat every day.  Before the new cats arrived this morning, I got teary thinking about my Jaxie.  I started to worry that maybe I wasn't ready for cat friends, that it might make me even more sad because my beloved cat is gone.  No cat friend can replace him (especially because he saw me through everything in my 20's and that will never be replicated! thank the lord.)  but I'm hoping Leo and Lynx will be my happy little buddies.  I forget how it feels to have animals roaming the house-  it makes me feel calm, happy, and safe.  Why safe?  No idea.  I always feel safe when Jack is home with me too-  like if someone comes to break in again, he'll go all HELL NO on them.  Oh, giggling thinking about it.

-Re-upload Maddox photos for the 3rd time and hope it works this time.
-Work my ass off with Tracy Anderson.  (baby-food-like detox diet this week.  ugh.)
-Mat and frame Angela's piece for the art show.
-Clean the office.
-Pick Jack up from school and hope he's been a good boy all day.
-Call Grams.
-Order Husband's costume.  (whether he likes it or not!)  
-Work on my Sweet Action Paradise book.  I'm having the blog printed like a hardback book so Jack can have it when he's older.   I've been formatting and moving and tinkering and blah!  It's time consuming and a pain in my ass.

I've got lots of little things to do today so I'd better quit my ramblin.  
Call or text me if you feel like hanging out this evening/tonight.

♥ jp

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome that you are turning it into a book! have you tried Blurb? I'm sad I can't mooch off Laura & JOhn's netflix anymore cus they changed their rules. oh well!
    kitties are wonderful, cuddly companions for cold nights! enjoy!!!
    :)~ Mary
