Monday, October 17, 2011

don't be stupen.

Jack is eating eggs and cheerios while he watches a show about dancing potatoes.
It's "small potatoes" on a stage, all in costume, doing musical theater with english accents.
They don't have arms, duh.
Kid shows are so bizarre.

Lately there have been lots of rumblings about having babies.  Not from me-  from friends.  I've had a few emails and conversations about the pros and cons of being a parent.  Pro-  babies love you unconditionally and you'll have someone to do the dishes in 10ish years.  Con-  babies are expensive and they don't always listen to you or wear what you want them to wear.  Pleeeease wear this awesome sweater jacket, this hat, and these cool shoes.  Ok.  Fine.  Wear the spiderman tshirt, fireman rain jacket, shorts, cowboy boots, and your camo baseball cap with the deer on it.  This kid...

More pros-  They like to snuggle.  Babies smell SO GOOD.  They get excited about things like bubble wrap and play doh.  They remind you to have fun.  Your priorities change in a good way.  You don't care about the dumb drama that happens around you because you've got bigger problems-  like having a baby with a high fever who's puking in your hair.  Toddlers tell you they love you and give kisses and hugs.  You suddenly have a bond with every mother you encounter because she's had a kid throw down in public before too.  Kids are the funniest people you will ever know.  Getting handmade presents is the best ever.  Holidays are much more fun with kids around.  

More cons-  Public fits.  Eventually you get used to it-  when you have kids, you just don't feel embarrassment like you used to.  Potty training sucks.  They grow so fast that you're constantly buying clothes.  Learning to talk and communicate is frustrating for you and your kid and it can cause major baby (and mommy) meltdowns.  They talk back.  The other day, Jack told me that I'm stupen. Whew... at least I'm just stupen...  You constantly wonder-  where did they learn that?!

Things to remember-  Pajamas run small-  they're supposed to fit snug so the kid doesn't get tangled in the night but it's stupid how fast they outgrow their jams.  Bottle warmers are life savers.  Even if you breastfeed and pump.  We had one with a built in cooler to store 2 bottles for nighttime feedings so you don't even have to leave your bedroom.  Time out as punishment is a lot harder than you think.  Jack doesn't really care and they don't really work for him.  Try directing your kid's attention to something fun and constructive when they're being bad.  Remember when you're pregnant that babies sometimes want out early and unexpectedly. Also remember, if that happens, don't be in denial-  just go to the hospital so you aren't in labor for 12 hours at home- alone.  

Look, I don't care if you have babies or don't have babies.  I'm just saying if you decide to, don't be scared.  It's really, really hard but very rewarding.  It's a lot easier than i thought it would be and a lot harder too.  

It's so important for your sanity to keep some things for yourself.  Keep a shred of your social life intact.  Keep your friends close, you'll need them to cry to when you're crazy stressed out and zombie tired.  We let Jack stay overnight with his grandparents early on when he was just a couple of months old.  It's good for you and baby to detach from each other every once in a while if you're lucky enough to have a supportive family like we are-  you don't want to be a crazy mommy (or daddy) and you want baby to be around family.  I really feel like that's the key to our happiness around here- I still play shows with my band, Husband still golfs, and we still go out for nights on the town together.

"SNEEZE!!!" goes the baby.
"Bless you" goes the mommy.
"Yes, bless me" says the baby talking to himself.

♥ jp

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