Yesterday the Boy had a doc appointment to get a booster shot and it was a good thing because he started getting sick on Sunday night. He has croup. He is fine during the day and gets bad at night. He doesn't act sick, not really a runny nose or anything, just this wicked cough and horrible noise when he breathes. It's 9:30am and he's still sleeping. I figured I would let him sleep a little longer than usual so he can get better.

After his appointment, we came home and played in the front yard. He really wanted to throw his football into the basketball goal but never quite made it. When he tries to throw it straight up towards the goal, he just throws it over his head, straight behind him. He runs and laughs and runs back to try again.

It was unusually warm yesterday. A nice day to play in the leaves.

I caught the one attempt that made it forward and not backward. (Imagine a baby tiger roaring as he throws the ball as hard as he can because that's what it sounded like. His little voice is hoarse.)

The Boy heard a kitty in the neighbor's bushes. He pointed and said Meow Meow. Yes, there was a kitty, it was our kitty, Cookie. Cookie won't let you touch him though so he never came out. The Boy tried to climb in the bushes to get that kitty but I wouldn't let him. Sorry, kid.

After we played, we loaded up and headed for OKC. We met Husband for lunch in Bethanny at Abel's. We'd been hearing what a great mexican place it was and it was true. So good. Would have been better if the Boy hadn't insisted on sitting in my lap instead of his highchair. Normally that would not fly with me but since he's sick and had a shot that day- i caved.

After lunch, we ran over to Rink, a flea market-y, vintage-y, antique store place. They have one of everything and you should go if you live around here. I found lots of stuff but really don't have a place to put any of it so i didn't buy anything. My mom would love this place.

I have this exact table except mine is black, not aqua. It was Grandma's.

This doll in a shadow box is weird.

I love typewriters! I wonder if this thing has wifi.

This is a tiny roll-top desk. My MacBook Air would fit so perfectly on it.

This thing really freaked us out. I'm scared of it. A dresser with little ceramic cat head knobs. But why??!! I love antique/vintage shopping. To find the good stuff and the weird, creepy stuff.
Last night the Boy was on the couch with me, winding down, while I was looking at celebrity gossip online. He saw this picture of Jessica Alba and her baby, pointed at Alba and said "Momma" and looked at me. I explained that she was the baby's mommy and he insisted that it was his momma. Why thank you, most sweet child of mine. You always know how to give a compliment.

Below is a self-portrait of the Boy. I let him play with the "self-shot" feature on my camera phone. He was very pleased with himself.

Here's me doing the same thing.
I hear a little boy who wants something to drink. Wonder what adventures we'll have today.
♥ jp
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