Christmas is this week? Seriously I can't believe time has slipped by so fast these past few months. We've shopped, been sick, been sleepless, gone to parties, tried new eateries, learned new words, met Santa, driven around looking at festive lights, had hot chocolate, made butternut squash soup and rosemary/garlic bread, visited with family, sent out holiday cards, gotten haircuts, and done a hefty amount of late-night online shopping. Oh, and Husband broke his foot. (He's almost as good as new now, thanks for wondering.)

The Boy is officially using the potty like a big boy. He uses washing his hands as an opportunity to play in the water and make a mess. It makes him so happy and who am I to deny him this little bit of happiness. He also uses his hand washing stool to try and unlock the front door to make a getaway. This was during one of his sick days so that's why he looks a little disheveled.

The Boy and I made it up to Oklahoma City a few times to have lunch with the Husband. Man, i would kill for a chopped salad, no bacon, at Iguana right now. It's almost midnight but I'm so hungry!

Made it on over to Bass Pro one day, hoping to see Santa but he wasn't there yet so we watched the fish and talked to the bear. Husband stared at guns and things that go with guns while we wandered around, looking at stuffed animals (real ones) and I facebooked on my phone.

Husband's work Christmas party was nice. The place he found was really cool- an old post office converted into an event venue. The food was really delicious too. They ate steak and the chef made me a special vegetarian dish. That reminds me, we went to a new-ish place in OKC for a friend's birthday dinner last week. The drinks were so amazing, the atmosphere was stunning but- I did not care for my food. I realize there are many chefs who absolutely hate vegetarians, who think it's ridiculous and blah blah blah- but- I can't eat meat. I will get very, very sick. I have been this way since childhood and as much as I would love to have ordered the filet or the lamb burger, I couldn't. So, chef's choice it is. The ingredients were so fresh and flavorful but the problem was- the server recommended a salad- which was very good, but it was the exact same thing as the main dish I had. I don't know, all of my friend's were apologizing to me while stuffing their faces with hearty goodness. Oh, and I guess one of the 11 other people in our party mentioned this to our vegetarian friend who couldn't make it that night= she had apparently gone recently and run into the same problem. I don't mind dropping serious money on an amazing dinner but it def was not worth the twenty-something dollars for my 2 salads. So, I will stick to my usual chef's choice at Michael's and make my way into the bar of the new place. *i know it's not their fault i can't eat meat- it's just frustrating.

I bought this green dress but I'm not sure where I'll wear it. For now it is tucked away in my closet for the right something to pop up. Why can't it be spring already? I would have already worn it.

You may think I'm insane but i'm loving these Lennon Ray-Bans. I didn't buy them. Yet.

More pics of me. To prove I exist.

Our tree is 12 feet tall.

Khazana was also on our list of lunch places. The kiddo didn't eat much except sauces in little containers. Very nutritious, I'm sure. (when he's sickish, he doesn't eat much.)

Husband refers to this tree as the Angel Tree. We found it while driving around Norman a couple of years ago and Husband must find it every year now. I know a lot of people wrap trees in lights, we do it, but this tree is super duper tall so it's a little more amazing than your average tree wrapped in lights.

Meeting Santa was very exciting for the Boy. As we crept closer and closer in the huge line, he would wave at the plastic elves, stuffed reindeer, and Santa. He did not cry, he did not smile. I wonder what he was thinking.

My brother, Will, graduated! He's moving away to go to law school next fall. My sister-in-law, Natalie, also graduated! I'm very proud of both of them. We went to a Happy Graduation lunch for Natalie and a Happy Graduation dinner for Will.

Anna came over last week and hung out with us. She watched the Boy so I could take a shower. THANK YOU, ANNA!

The weekend was fun. We saw a movie on Friday night and got to bed early. Saturday we shopped and went to 2 parties. We were home by a decent time. Today has been lazy. Lots of laying on the couch, aimlessly interneting, snacking, and tv.
(The next 2 photos were taken at MC Jones' house.)

Get your finger out of there, son.

On that note, I wish everyone a happy week.
♥ jp
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