Halloween stuff. It was a real hit with the Boy. He was a baby Elvis in a white bejeweled jumpsuit. Husband and I took him to the Fall Festival at The Trails. He cried when we put him in the baby moonbounce, shook his head "no" when we tried to put him on the pony, and tried to climb me to get away from a giant inflatable Incredible Hulk. His likes included looking at the ponies, the lemonade and frito chili pie.
On Friday we bought a new couch! It's the exact color of our previous one but one million times nicer and more comfortable. Getting the carpet cleaned this week, going to paint the walls a brighter white and looking for a new chair. My friend and bandmate, David Drennen, is going to do a large-scale painting and I'm putting it on the wall behind the couch. The Boy will be in the painting and i'm so excited to see what David comes up with. We're also in the process of cleaning out our garage. The pool table will be moved in there and the dining room table will live where it's supposed to live- in the dining room. I can't wait! I cook dinner for my boys almost every day and it would be so nice to sit down together. Yes, Husband, every evening.
Check out the book my bff, Anna, gave to me last night. Apparently he doesn't usually write what people ask him to write but thought Anna was funny so he did! (Though he added the "recipes" bit.) "To Brooke sorry the white people stole your recipes (which is crossed out) land. DS" I love Anna and David Sedaris.

Yesterday we went on a family outing around town. We had lunch at Pepe Delgado's, drove around looking at houses we want to buy when we win the lottery, donated baby clothes to East Main Place, and went to Stash, a little boutique vintage/antique shop on Main Street. I bought the white ring pictured below. I will be going back soon to grab some Christmas presents.

The Boy has made very good friends with Bear Bear. He introduced him to Meow Meow and won't sleep without both of them. He gives them drinks of his juice and puts blankets on them.

Bulletproof Tiger did a little video recording with Casey Friedman for Acoustic Oklahoma and also with Nathan Poppe for a VDub Session for 105.3 The Spy and Fowler VW. They were both fun. You can watch them here: Pick It Up Now That You're Gone In The Red
Cody Tiger recording his solo song for Acoustic Oklahoma.
Bulletproof Tiger show at the Deli.
The Oh Johnny! Girls played on a trailer in the Ghouls Gone Wild Parade for the Girlie Show float. We loved it! So fun. I really hope we get to do it again next year.
Marilyn Artus took the picture below and Roger Meadows took the photo above.
Tornado Timmy and I gearing up to play on a moving vehicle.
Yes, we saw this un-manned cop car and thought- what a good photo opportunity. Notice Bennett's cup of whiskey on the top of the car. And what is Sandy doing with her hand?

What a cute chicken, huh? I love that chicken bee.
♥ jp
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