Thursday, September 8, 2011

oh wait.

Every day, Jack watches Sesame Street in the morning, gives a minimum of 5 "running hugs" throughout the day, names off all the people he loves-  one by one, wants pizza for dinner, watches Rio at bedtime with a snack, and lately has wanted to wear this pull-over hoodie every morning.  The weather has been awesome.  Much needed.  Stress relieving. Cool air goodness.   Hoodie it is, baby's choice.

He must wear a hat under the actual hood though.  His idea, not mine, but very cute.

Jack's first day of skipping school.  He asked what I was going to do while he was at school and decided that he wanted to go too.  Off to Gram's we go.  He carefully picked out and packed a baggie full of crayons, 2 coloring books, 1 marker, alphabet magnets to play with on Gram's mini fridge, sunglasses, a hat, and asked that we put together a lunch for him like I do when he goes to school.  Turkey, graham crackers, and a Kraft single.  He was pumped.

We visited, we made Gram's bed for her, we took a little list of things she needs (Hershey's Kisses), and pushed her down to the dining hall.  Jack gave her a big hug, said wuv you, and stuck out his plump little baby cheek for her to kiss.  We made it to the fish tank when he decided maybe he didn't want to leave just yet.  I told him he could stay and live with Gram's and he playfully told me he was going to.  I started to walk away and took the picture above.  He's staring at the dining hall, wondering if he really wanted to stay and if I would really leave him there.  "MOMMY MOMMY!  I CHANGE MY MIND!!!"  He ran to me and put his little hand in mine.  Off we go. 

Song HERE.  Part of a cover anyway.

Yes, I need to straighten these frames, I know.  I frame Jack's abstract work and hang it around the house.  Someday I hope to have a wall full of them.  Jack looks at them up on the wall with so much pride and satisfaction.

My hair hurts.  When you wear your hair in a bun all day for 4 days straight, it hurts when you take it down.  My laziness is making my hair hurt and that's just stupid.

Ok.  No game this weekend.  Nothing exciting really happening at all-  which, in itself is pretty dang exciting.  

Oh wait.  We have grandparent babysitters on Friday and Saturday night.  Not sure what we'll get in to just yet but excited to find something.  Jack is VERY excited to make the rounds this weekend.

♥ jp


  1. Saturday night is Peelander Z at The Opolis, and a birthday party for a friend at my house, to which you and husband are welcome to attend.
