Thursday, September 22, 2011

un poisson poisoning.

Alright.  I've been busy and lazy so I've been ignoring our little blog.  Today, I am sick.  Husband brought a bagel sandwich home for me and I ate one bite before realizing there was raw tuna on it.  I haven't eaten a living thing (plants excluded) in 19 years and this is the first thing I have?  Sick.  Still in my workout clothes hoping I will feel better later this afternoon but so far I can't move from the couch. My computer needs to be plugged in but I don't even want to walk across the room to get the thingy.  Need to leave here in half an hour to pick Jack up from school.  Should probably brush my hair at some point too.

Jack loves his new big boy bed.  He's rolled out a couple of times now but I've been laying out a mountain of pillows with a big soft furry blankie over the top so he wasn't hurt from any of the falls.  He just gets up and wanders into our room, into our bed, then demands fresh juice.  He's so cuddly that I just let him demand away.  It's like a weapon that babies possess.

The show at Soundpony in Tulsa was super fun.  Hopefully, we'll be back soon.  The Ruskettes were adorable + great music.

Took Jack to the state fair.  He LOVED this train.  He waited patiently to get on then ran at full speed to secure a space up front.  I buckled Jack and his cousin, Peyton, in and away they went.  We cheered for them every time they made the circle.  They were very satisfied.  I wish my mom could have seen Jack's face-  she loves his little serious/satisfied look.  Apparently I am an old pro at this look, says my mommy.

ok.  Running to pick Jack up now.  Going to make him a special dinner and possibly build a fort with blankets in the living room.  It's too wet outside to go to the park today.  

More later.
xo ♥ jp


  1. Aaaaaaaaand I was there!

  2. You were there! It was so lovely to see you. It's been years and years.
