Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the graduate.

We haven't been doing our morning pictures lately.
We've been busy.
We were sick.
All better.
We've been Christmas shopping.
Christmas wrapping.
All done.
My brothers and sister-in-law are in town.
I love it.

It's cold here and yes, he does have a coat.
On this particular day, he wanted to wear a blankie instead.
Who am I to tell him no?
He made a break for it and tried to run down the street.
Mommy is faster than baby.

We (Husband and I) had an evening off.
Went to dinner at a new place.
Went for a drink.
Turned into pumpkins earlier than midnight and settled ourselves on either side of a sleeping baby.
It was a nice night and honestly-  the kind I love the most.

Jack looked sharp as knives for his first Christmas program.
Upon waking, he cried and declared he would NOT go to school on a weekend day.
No way.  
NO freaking way.
He even made me carry him in to his classroom before the program-
and decided-
he could stay.  
I mean, there WAS a real life chicken in a cage waiting to be looked at in the classroom.
He looked.
He liked.
He decided school on Saturday was awesome.
Bock bock.
(go away, Mommy.)

He knew all the words and all the hand gestures to the 2 songs his class sung.
This 2 year old had 10 people come to see his performance.
He didn't disappoint.
He was rewarded with a quick trip to the mall and spaghetti for lunch.
A few fits were thrown but his fatigue caught up with him and he snoozed the afternoon away.

I had a Toys for Tots benefit to play that night.
Husband came down with a really bad cold.
I had to brave the show by myself.
We went on a lot later than scheduled.
I was so exhausted.
Kinda annoyed.
Raised 1,600ish dollars though so I stuck it out.
Glad I did.
Glad I wore flats.
Maybe the first time in The Oh Johnny! Girls' history I have not worn heels.
"Wow.  I thought you were tall."

Jack loves his pretend shotguns and anything he can pretend is a gun, really.
What a little boy.
As of today, he's officially a grown up little boy.
He moved to the big kids' classroom at school.
He will miss his other class quite a bit but he's so excited about his new friends in the new class.
He even let me take his beloved binky home while he went to school.
I almost cried when he walked away from me, towards the brilliant light of the big kids frolicking in all of the big kid toy glory they were caught up in.
Man, being a kid is awesome.
And exciting.
And adorable.

This is a little sweet piece of Oklahoma, y'all.
Out by Husband's office.

I hope you're all ready for this weekend.
I'm super pumped to spend time with my family.
Super pumped to see the look on Jack's face when he wakes up to Santa gifts.
This will be the first year he really gives a crap about any of it.
Speaking of crap-  Jack stayed with my brothers last night for a while.
He went to the potty (like a big boy!) and afterwards.
He told my brother.
"Look! I made a boat!"

Oh man.
You figure that one out.

Merry Christmas.
♥ jp

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