Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Secret Gardent.

Jack told me an interesting story. A theory, really. He says we will plant a vegetable pot pie in a hole in the ground, cover it with dirt and "a beautiful gardent" will grow. (not a typo.) I appreciate his thought process. If you were 3, it would make complete sense. We discussed seeds and seasons and watering and growing. Already off to a good start on our "make a list of things to do" resolution. 1. Plant edible things. Watch them grow. Eat them.

And # 2 on that list: Make a pie. Jack decided on pumpkin, based off of numerous pictures of pies I showed him on the internet. He also suggested a "carrot pie." Trying to find a way to work out this whole "carrot pie" thing. He really loves carrots.

Went out in the big city of Oklahoma City for New Year's Eve with my big brother, Will, and my beloved sister-in-law, Hannah, as well as 3 of my dear friends. We didn't have a plan for after dinner so we hopped around a few bars and I just really enjoyed their company. Already made more plans with my friends.

Not doing so well on the "going to bed early thing." I should be sleeping now. Instead, I ramble.

♥ jp

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