Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Haircut, No Bald Spots, Please.

I cannot begin to fill you in on everything that's happened since my last post. (Sorry- I'm not a very good mommy blogger.) So let's pretend you've heard about every Jack tantrum, all the Jack sayings, and, of course, the tornados. All of that is much too exhausting to write about at the moment. It was still chilly outside the last time I wrote and now it's hot as hell, y'all.

Let's start over.

At the moment, I'm having a glass of wine.  That awful rom-com movie, Because I Said So, is on the tv but I'm not even watching it. It's just on because (for unexplained reasons) if I come across that movie on tv, I just leave it on. Do you ever do that with a particular movie? Don't try and tell me you don't stop what you're doing and watch You've Got Mail if it's on because I know you're lying.  

This week I've been on Mommy Vacation. Jack is home and I take him to school as usual, entertain him as I always do, and cook him breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But! Laundry Mountain has had to wait until it possibly can't wait any longer (which, sadly, was today) and the dishes are piled a little higher than usual. The days Jack doesn't have school, we lay in bed and watch cartoons and eat graham crackers, which he refers to as "teddy graham crackers" even though they're just plain, generic brand graham crackers. It's been lovely and stress-free. 

Giving Jack a haircut starts at least a week before I actually cut any hair at all. His hair starts looking ragged around his ears and combing it into a neat little gentleman hair-do becomes frustrating thanks to the natural pattern of swirls his hair grows in- right at his hairline. "Jack, we need to cut your hair soon." And then he protests, "One more day! Please, Mommy. Tomorrow we will cut it." That goes on for a week at least. He doesn't like to be itchy from the tiny hairs that fall onto his neck and ears.

So I cut his hair all the while threatening a bald spot if he won't stop moving. There has been a bald spot before. I'm a mom, not a barber. Thankfully, 4 year olds are not easily embarrassed. 

The best part of a fresh haircut is throwing him in the shower and then dressing him up for a quick photoshoot and he's usually up for any clothes or costume I want to put him in. This time was different. I put the shirt on him, rolled up the sleeves, buttoned it all the way up. He chose the shorts and just HAD to wear his cowboy belt. "Alright, sure. Why not." We grabbed his guitar and away we went. 

Finally got my own hair cut and lightened just a little. It was time. It was starting to get brassy and reddish, as it does every summer. The color in the "before" pic below is a little exaggerated but you get the idea. 

Seriously, those little sunglasses kill me. He likes to wear them everyday and with everything lately. Too cool. Too cute.

Signing off but hopefully I'll be back here soon to report more mommy things.


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