Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello Pronovias

I love this dress. There's really nothing else to say. Went to the dentist today. My jaw is killing me and i have an enormous headache. Just sitting on the couch with The Baby, browsing wedding crap. I have no idea why i do it. I should be working on new songs but right now i'd rather find out how Martha Stewart makes big flowers out of crepe.


and i found this on

i wouldn't mind if my regular table looked like this all the time. i have a major weakness for a good ol' hot pink/gold combo.  And what goes with that theme better than a fluffy, curly side-ponytail with a big Billie Holiday gardenia?


The Baby is crawling as of yesterday and i'd better catch him before he gets my phone. More pics of The Baby soon.
♥ jp


  1. i get the wedding blues/itch. my beau and i are engaged. we were supposed to get married in april. i even bought my dress. now we have to push the wedding back. we thought it would be best to move into a house and give the baby more space to grow and play. now the wedding seems so out of sight. i feel like a crazy woman with a wedding dress just hanging out in the house. and a monthly subscription to BRIDES magazine :/
