Friday, January 8, 2010

Mish Mash

Baby looks like a little hobo.  We've discovered these packets of mashed up fruit and he loves them!  It makes it easy for him to snack on the go.  In a Wal-Mart cart even.  Notice his Wal-Mart smiley face sticker?  The old greeter man put two on him.  One on the front and one on the back of his puffy coat.  Why on the back?  Just wondering.  Had to take the stickers off because Baby wanted to eat them.  Shortly after this was taken, he lost a shoe but a very nice woman found it across the store and searched until she found us.  Thank you, Nice Woman!  We just bought those shoes yesterday.  

My little brother, John, is in town for another week and a half.  He lives in NYC and goes to Columbia University.  We've been hanging out lately and I must say, I sure do miss him.  But happy he's doing so well.  He's the best guitar player I know, and pretty much everybody I know plays guitar.  I remember trying to teach him Nirvana songs when he was very, very young.  Hah.  Then he quickly got better than me.  

How cute is Baby in the bathtub?  He loves the bath though he tries to drain the water every single time.  My tub is always filled with baby bath toys.

Baby got this hat for Christmas.  Baby hats are just so cute.  Also see below.

baby hat = cute.

again, baby hat = cute

baby birthday hat (even though it isn't his birthday yet) = cute

Baby in a hat at Party Galaxy = funny & cute

Baby eating a cookie is equally as cute as Baby in a hat.  His first cookie experience.

Husband and I have a parents-night-off tonight.  Not sure what we'll do but I'm sure I'll have photos and stories on here this weekend.  I have to finish up Bulletproof Tiger album this afternoon so i'd better quit rambling and get to work!  Songs will be up soon.  

Here's a photo of Husband, just because he's pretty.
All of these photos were taken in the past 2 days.  How many hats can you put on your kid in 2 days?
♥ jp

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